FindLastWhere Generic Method

Wintellect PowerCollections

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Finds the last item in a collection that satisfies the condition defined by predicate.

Namespace: Wintellect.PowerCollections
Assembly:  PowerCollections (in PowerCollections.dll)


public static T FindLastWhere<T>(
	IEnumerable<T> collection,
	Predicate<T> predicate
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Shared Function FindLastWhere(Of T) ( _
	collection As IEnumerable(Of T), _
	predicate As Predicate(Of T) _
) As T
Visual C++
generic<typename T>
static T FindLastWhere (
	IEnumerable<T>^ collection, 
	Predicate<T>^ predicate


IEnumerable<(Of <T>)>
The collection to search.
Predicate<(Of <T>)>
A delegate that defined the condition to check for.

Return Value

The last item in the collection that matches the condition, or the default value for T (0 or null) if no item that matches the condition is found.

Type Parameters



If the collection implements IList<T>, then the list is scanned in reverse until a matching item is found. Otherwise, the entire collection is iterated in the forward direction.

If the default value for T could be present in the collection, and would be matched by the predicate, then this method is inappropriate, because you cannot disguish whether the default value for T was actually present in the collection, or no items matched the predicate. In this case, use TryFindFirstWhere.

See Also